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    Query Request Form—Slate Campus Instance

    Request a new Query within UNC's Campus Instance of Slate
    Fill out this form to request a specific email list of current students, faculty, or staff. IT will use this information to build the email list for you in Slate. Approval time for queries is at least 2 business days depending on the complexity of the request.

    Please NoteEach form submission is for one query request. If you need multiple queries, please submit a separate form for each one.
    User Information
    Audience Details
    Mailing Purpose
    Preferred Date:
    Please allow 2 business days at minimum for competition of query. (This is subject to change and on a case-by-case basis, please plan accordingly)
    Preferred Date:
    Please allow 2 business days at minimum for competition of query. (This is subject to change and on a case-by-case basis, please plan accordingly)